About Bridge by Instructure

Bridge by Instructure emerges as a prominent figure in the bustling Learning Management Systems (LMS) space, carving out a niche that prioritizes employee development and engagement. With a suite that combines a Learning Management System (LMS) and a performance platform, Bridge offers a unified experience that caters to the needs of modern organizations looking to harness the full potential of their workforce.

One of the standout features of Bridge is its emphasis on performance management. The platform goes beyond mere course completion tracking, offering tools for performance reviews, one-on-one meetings, continuous feedback, and goal-setting. This holistic approach to employee development ensures that training is not just a box-ticking exercise but a strategic component of talent management. For organizations striving to align employee growth with business objectives, this is a significant value proposition.

Bridge's user-centric design is another noteworthy aspect. The platform is praised for its ease of use, which is a crucial factor when considering the varied technical proficiency levels among users. The ability to design interactive and engaging content through Bridge's course authoring tool, coupled with advanced video capabilities and a mobile app, makes the learning experience accessible and convenient for learners on-the-go.

In terms of customization, Bridge seems to strike a balance between a ready-to-use platform and one that allows for a degree of tailoring. While it may not offer the same level of customization as some open-source solutions, it provides enough flexibility to meet the unique needs of different organizations. This is particularly beneficial for businesses that require a quick deployment with less technical involvement.

Moreover, Bridge's integration capabilities should not be understated. The ability to seamlessly integrate with Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), Single Sign-On (SSO) platforms, and content providers facilitates a smooth and efficient workflow, crucial for any enterprise-level software.

However, it's not all smooth sailing. Potential customers should consider the depth of analytics and reporting tools offered by Bridge. Insightful data analysis is key to understanding the impact of learning programs, and while Bridge offers analytics features, organizations with complex needs may have to evaluate whether these are robust enough for their requirements.

Despite these considerations, customer testimonials highlight the platform's impact on company culture and compliance rates, indicating a high level of satisfaction among existing users. Furthermore, Bridge's resource hub provides valuable information for organizations to make the most out of their investment, showcasing their commitment to customer success.

In conclusion, Bridge by Instructure presents a compelling case for businesses looking to invest in an LMS that prioritizes employee development and engagement. With its user-friendly interface, comprehensive performance management tools, and integration capabilities, it stands out as a strong contender in the LMS market. While it may not be the most customizable platform available, its out-of-the-box functionality and targeted feature set make it an attractive option for enterprises aiming to elevate their learning and development programs.

Products and Services

Bridge by Instructure offers a unified learning and performance management platform that encompasses a range of tools for creating engaging courses, aligning employee development with organizational goals, facilitating mobile learning, and leveraging advanced video and analytics to measure and enhance the learning experience, all designed to improve employee engagement and productivity.

Learning (LMS)

Create courses, train internal teams & external partners with a flexible and comprehensive learning management system.

Performance Management

Performance reviews, 1on1s, continuous feedback & goals to align employee performance with organizational objectives.


Build engagement surveys that help organizations act on employee input and improve engagement strategies.

Skills Plus

An AI-powered upskilling platform that helps identify skill gaps and aligns learning paths with business goals.


  • High compliance rate of 96% for online learning among hourly employees

  • Performance management tools for comprehensive employee development

  • Mobile app for convenient access to learning materials anytime, anywhere

  • Engagement surveys to collect and act on valuable employee feedback


  • The extensive range of features may require time for users to fully adopt

  • Advanced video capabilities may necessitate additional training for content creators

Getting Started

By signing up for Bridge by Instructure, you are choosing a corporate LMS that focuses on comprehensive employee development. You can expect to engage with performance management tools, continuous feedback, and goal-setting features. With a 96% compliance rate for online learning, Bridge LMS ensures a high adoption rate among users. To get started with Bridge by Instructure, visit their website to request a demo or sign up. If Bridge by Instructure doesn't suit your needs, there are other options available in our rankings.